Money Mindset

Money Mindset discusses the experiences and opinions of a middle-aged professional on the topic of money, including: financial planners, investment experiences, part-time income sources, real estate investment and private sales, web site income opportunities, changing professions, home office organization, money education for kids, and many other subjects I have experienced first hand or even just thought about.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Feast or Famine

I have been doing consulting for almost 3 years solid, with no noticeable breaks. The money has been good. But as contracts come to an end, there's always a time when you think about what might happen if you couldn't get work for a while.

While the economy is good, and I have very marketable skills, this is the first time I have had to look for work. I'm realizing that it would have been easier today if I'd been doing more marketing on an ongoing basis.

So, based on what I've learned from the Joint Ventures Forum at, I have started to look for ways to put significantly more leverage into my consulting practice marketing. I am looking to partner with complementary businesses for referrals. I am also starting up an industry-based forum on Yahoo, where referral fees are encouraged.

One thing that you may not think about much, but when you take a leadership role in creating a community of interest, your value grows quickly. People start to think of you as the point person for things in your industry.

I have a lot of ideas on what I can do with my business, and have a bit of time now to get some things started, while at the same time, becoming visible as a leader.

I've also started reviewing old CDs and tapes from people like Robert Kiyosaki and Zig Ziglar. The stuff is motivating the first time you listen to it, and you remember a few key phrases. But even with the good ones, it's not until you listen to them a few times, and come back to them after you've read or listened to others, that things start to come into perspective.

One guru I have had trouble listening to on CD is Michael Gerber. He's the author if The E-Myth, which everyone says is good for entrepreneurs. I understand the idea of working ON your business, and not IN your business. But the tape set "The E-Myth Revisited" is very slow and introspective. It just makes me want to punch the CD player and make him get to the point.

Anyway, I feel that a lot of good things are going to come from this work break. While it's scary to think that each day I don't work is costing me a lot of money, I have faith that it will come if I keep my mind on succeeding.

I just noticed in the past few days that when I debated calling someone or going to see someone about my needing to line up more work, I almost always come away with a new lead.

Every decision you make leads you to where you are today. It becomes easy to sit and search the Web for information, or to update my Website (or blog). But the real payoff comes from meeting and talking to people. Try to take every opportunity to talk to people. But do it with a mindset of "what opportunities am I learning about when I meet with this person?" Of course my previous post about spending time with people who will help you grow is still relevant.

So, during the so-called "Famine" period, I'm gearing up my marketing in several fronts. My plan is to maintain as much activity as I can during the "Feast" period to keep the funnel full, and build my reputation as a leader in my field.

... Scott

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