Eat That Frog!
I just wanted to share a small piece of editorial comment on a book by Brian Tracy, the famous speaker and success coach.
For Christmas, I asked for the audio book version of Brian's book "Eat That Frog!". It was just what I needed to refocus my energy and priorities on my own personal goals. It is a great summary of many useful time management techniques you can put to use without learning a new time management system. I've studied several in my life, but was not usually able to make them work for very long.
As I look back, the best time management I was able to use for an extended period was called "Ascend", which was from Franklin, which eventuall became "Franklin Covey". But the key was in how it made you prioritize tasks by "A, B, C, D and E" with subpriorities. This is just one of the techniques Brian talks about. There are many others.
The most important point is that "There's never enough time to do everything you need to do in a day, but there's always enough time to do what's important to your life and career". You just have to think consciously at the beginning of each day and decide what is the biggest, most important task that you could be working on to get you closer to your goals. Then, work on that task only, since it is THE most important thing, working on anything else is a waste of time.
For another Blog on personal success and goals, check out Success Begins Today.
It's a great audio book, and there's a paper version. I highly recommend it.
I think this is another turning point in my own road to achieving my goals.
Let me know if you have any other major turning points yourself.
- Scott
Labels: career, goals, success, time management
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