Money Mindset

Money Mindset discusses the experiences and opinions of a middle-aged professional on the topic of money, including: financial planners, investment experiences, part-time income sources, real estate investment and private sales, web site income opportunities, changing professions, home office organization, money education for kids, and many other subjects I have experienced first hand or even just thought about.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Starting a Tipping Point

Did you ever wonder how a social trend or fad starts? Wouldn't it be cool to start one yourself?

I recently listened to the audio CD set of the book "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell. It's an interesting model that tells you what kinds of people are usually involved in what he calls a "social epidemic". It has close parallels to epidemic behaviours of illnesses.

Examples include crime waves in NYC, Hush-Puppies' resurgence, the cult of the "Ya-Ya Sisterhood" book, etc.

I recommend it. You may even learn who you need to network with, and what kind of message to spread that could promote your idea or product.

- Scott


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