Money Mindset

Money Mindset discusses the experiences and opinions of a middle-aged professional on the topic of money, including: financial planners, investment experiences, part-time income sources, real estate investment and private sales, web site income opportunities, changing professions, home office organization, money education for kids, and many other subjects I have experienced first hand or even just thought about.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Keeping an Eye on Your Money!

Just a note that I have had some fraud attempts made on me personally over the past few months. They are easy to miss if you are busy.

1) A credit card I had not used in a year suddenly had a transaction on it. I wouldn't have noticed for quite a while except that I try to download my transactions and categorize them for budget tracking purposes every week or so.

2) In a squash club in a small town, I accidentally brought in my wallet which was in the rear pocket of my jeans. When I came out of the game to get dressed, the wallet was in a pocket I never use. Fortunately the only thing missing was $25. But now I have to watch my account balances to make sure nobody is using my credit card numbers.

I find Quicken to be a good way to force yourself to look at balances every few days. But you have to keep your eyes open all the time for strange occurences that could be related to fraud, social engineering or phishing.

- Scott


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